80% of patients are interested or willing to participate in studies.
CISCRP. “Highlights from CISCRP’s 2017 Perceptions & Insights Study”
19% of participants drop out before completing trials.
CenterWatch. “Recruitment Rates Rising, but Retention Rates Fall, According to New Study”
33% of patients face coverage rejections each year.
NPR. “When Insurance Won't Cover Drugs, Americans Make 'Tough Choices' About Their Health”
Nonadherence causes 50% of treatment failures and 25% of hospitalizations per year.
U.S. Pharmacist. “Medication Adherence - The Elephant in the Room”
83% of patients discontinue therapy after reading Patient Information Leaflets.
BMC Family Practice. “Patient information leaflets - informing or frightening?”
Healthcare accounts for 18% of the US economy.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA) - Historical). December 11, 2018.
65% of patients feel their providers could do a better job of engaging them.
CDW Healthcare. “Patient Engagement Perspectives Report.” 2016.
More than half of Americans share doctor experiences online.
Healthcare Dive
Hospitals rank below most other service industries on Yelp, at 2.4 stars out of five.
LifeLink Research, 2018: Yelp: Hospitals -- 2.4 stars out of 5. ED -- 1.8 out of 5.
75% of patients are non-adherent to their care plans.
PhRMA. “Improving Prescription Medicine Adherence Is Key to Better Health Care.” 2011.
Disengaged patients cost 25% more than engaged patients.
Accenture Consulting. “Losing Patience: Why Healthcare Providers Need to Up Their Mobile Game.” 2015.
Nonadherence costs the United States $300B in avoidable healthcare costs every year.
Iuga and McGuire. “Adherence and Health Care Costs.” February 2014.
85% of adults have smartphones.
Deloitte. "Global Mobile Consumer Survey: US Edition."
There are 318,000 mobile healthcare apps.
Only 2% of patients engage with hospital apps.
Accenture. "Losing Patience: Why Healthcare Providers Need to Up Their Mobile Game."
90% of an app’s users disappear 30 days after download, and users delete one app for every new one they download.
Forrester Research. “Your Customers Will Not Download Your App.” June 2015.
88% of people's app usage is spent in just five apps.
Forrester Research. “Your Customers Will Not Download Your App.” June 2015.
93% of us are texting, and 98% of messages are opened.
Business 2 Community. "Email Marketing vs SMS Marketing." February, 2018.
90% of people also want to text businesses.
Twilio. “How Consumers Use Messaging Today.” 2016.
“Conversational AI will supersede cloud and mobile as the most important imperative for the next ten years.”
Gartner. “Conversational AI to Shake Up Your Technical and Business Worlds.” September 30, 2016.
By 2020, bots will automate $65B of consumer engagement.
McKinsey & Company, US Office of Personnel Management & BI Intelligence. “Potential Annual US Salary Savings Created by Chatbots.” July 2016.
30% of scheduled procedures are unsuccessful.
LifeLink Research. “Quantitative and Qualitative Customer Benchmarking on Lab Procedure Success.” April 2017. For additional reading, see: HHS Public Access. “Reducing Appointment No-Shows: Going from Theory to Practice.” 2014. Physicians Practice. “Stop Losing Money on No-shows.” 2009.
92% of patients never make it past the hospital home page.
MarketingSherpa. “Marketing Research Chart: Average website conversion rates, by industry.” October 2012.
75% of patients don’t understand their care plans at discharge.
American Journal of Surgery. “Readability of discharge summaries: with what level of information are we dismissing our patients?” March 2016.
86% of the general population owns smartphones.
Deloitte Insights. “Medicaid and Digital Health”
Medicare patients own smartphones at a rate of 79%.
eHealth Insights. "Medicare Beneficiaries Increasingly Shopping Online for Insurance Products"
Medicaid patients own smartphones at the same rate, 86%, as the general US adult population.
Deloitte Insights. “Medicaid and Digital Health”
In the underserved, lower income communities, 26% use smartphones as their primary digital device.
Pew Research Center. “Mobile Technology and Home Broadband 2019”
Elderly smartphone ownership (1 of 2).
Pew Research Center. “Technology Use Among Seniors”
Elderly smartphone ownership (2 of 2).
eHealth. “Medicare Beneficiaries Increasingly Shopping Online for Insurance Products”
277 million Americans (85%) text.
Text Request. “How Many Texts Do People Send Every Day (2018)?”
86% of people over the age of 50 use texting to communicate, surpassing email.
AARP. “Technology Use and Attitudes among Mid-Life and Older Americans”
85% of women from low-income, urban communities text.
Johns Hopkins. “Johns Hopkins Survey Finds Strong Potential for Text Message Interventions”
70% of patients are likely to choose a provider that uses digital follow-up and care.
Accenture. “Today's Consumers Reveal the Future of Healthcare”
84% of Medicare Advantage beneficiaries prefer interacting digitally with their health insurance payer.
Clarity. “For Medicare Advantage Plans, Member Communication is a Map to the Star Ratings”
73% of Medicaid beneficiaries are interested in using technology for a variety of health purposes.
Deloitte Insights. “Medicaid and Digital Health”
Only 18% of Medicare beneficiaries still prefer direct mail communication, and that number is shrinking.
Healthcare Finance. “Health Plans Not Meeting Medicare Beneficiaries' Communication Preferences, Survey Shows”
80% of patients don’t use their patient portal regularly.
Medsphere. “How Patient Portals Are Failing Healthcare — And Our Patients”
Only 15% of Medicare patients have accessed their health data through hospital portals.
HealthcareIT News. “Most Medicare Patients Haven't Accessed their EHR Information (Yet)”
76% of Medicaid patients have not used a portal.
Health Affairs. "Who Isn’t Using Patient Portals and Why? Evidence and Implications from a National Sample of US Adults” (Exhibit 1)
68% of 55+ years of age, 63% of those making less than $40K, and 69% of all respondents prefer virtual waiting rooms.
Yougov Survey.
90% of patients no longer feel obligated to stay with healthcare providers that don’t deliver an overall satisfactory digital experience.
Black Book Market Research. "19 Recent Healthcare Tech Start-Ups Attract Instant Consumer Appeal, Black Book Survey"